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BRAVEHORSES WARRIORS 145 US Army SP5 John Kedenburg Green Beret Warrior Medal of Honor Winner Killed in Action
UNITED STATES ARMY SPECIALIST FIFTH CLASS JOHN J. KEDENBURG (1946-1968) Warriors Citation Command and Control Detachment North, Forward Operating Base 2, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and observations Group, distinguished himself on 13 June 1968, deep in enemy controlled territory, as an advisor to a long-range reconnaissance team of South Vietnamese irregular troops. The team was attacked and encircled by a battalion-sized North Vietnamese Army force. After the team managed to break out, Specialist Kedenburg conducted a gallant rear guard fight against the pursuing enemy. His withering fire against the enemy permitted the team to reach a landing zone with the loss of only one man, who was unaccounted for. Specialist Kedenburg and three other members of the team harnessed themselves to the sling of the second hovering helicopter. The South Vietnamese soldier, previously unaccounted for, appeared in the landing zone. Specialist Kedenburg unhesitatingly gave up his place in the sling to the man and directed the pilot to leave the area. He continued then to engage the enemy who were swarming into the landing zone, killing six enemy soldiers before he was overpowered. Specialist Kedenburg's inspiring leadership, consummate courage and willing self-sacrifice permitted his small team to inflict heavy casualties on the enemy while escaping almost certain annihilation. From: historical accounts & records 2007-12-21©bravehorseswarriors™135
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Posted by adjunctprofessor
at 10:27 PM EDT